This is my story and it should not be used as medical advice.

For 3 years, no one could tell me what was making me sick.
I was in my 30's, worked out everyday, and had a healthy lifestyle. But, I began gaining weight, my hair was fall out in clumps, my skin started getting eczema-like patches, and if a kid coughed near me, I was definitely getting sick!
Besides all of that, I started dropping things. My brain fog was very real. And, oddly enough, I started having trouble pronouncing words, if I could find the words in the first place.

During my workouts I started tripping over my toes. My husband and my friends could see there was something scary happening.
I went to numerous neurologists, and endocrinologists for testing. Their final diagnosis was that I was a stressed-out mommy and could benefit from some Xanax.

Oh My God! I knew that was a ridiculous answer to my situation.
Even though I never had any gastro-intestinal or stomach issues, I felt so bad I decided to do a cleanse. I removed sugar, and carbs from my diet for 2 weeks. And, I started feeling better. Then, a new restaurant opened, and I ordered the gourmet grilled cheese sandwich everyone was raving about.

I ate that beautiful, bready, cheesy masterpiece and 20 minutes later, I was passed out cold. I was unwakeable!

I went to the best GI doctor in town. After listening to my story, he knew the answer right away, but ran some tests to confirm. I had Celiac Disease, another way of saying an extreme gluten allergy. Mine presents differently than most people, however. No GI symptoms at all.
After 6 weeks with no wheat, all of my symptoms were gone and/or correcting themselves.
My hair is probably the one thing that is still an issue. With the smallest amount of cross-contamination, I'll loose hair (even eyebrows, and eyelashes). I do my best to take vitamins to promote hair growth.

I had never heard of Celiac Disease before. It was never even close to being on my radar. And, 15 years later, unfortunately, I'm a pro!
Now, friends ask me, "What do I eat? How do I do this? Can I eat in restaurants, which ones?"
So, I decided to dedicate part of The Blog to GF and my favorite foods, favorite restaurants, and best practices. It is not easy being GF, especially when it is not a choice.
For more information on Celiac Disease check out:

I am a writer, producer, content creator, professor, adventure seeker. and sadly, I've had to be gluten-free for over 15 years. So, I am kind of an expert. I am passionate about, or maybe obsessed with, entertainment and my latest binges, my favorite gluten-free foods, projects and design, and adventure. And, I'll sprinkle in social commentary.
Because somethings need to be said Out Loud.
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